PowerStrip is a small display tweaking and information application that everyone should try. Why I used it is to adjust the brightness of a old CRT monitor, and that worked perfectly.

PowerStrip will scan all your system resource to find out information about your display adapters and drivers. It can give a detailed information about adapter and monitor. You can also set hot-keys for accessing various menus and function of display adapters. PowerStrip also continuously monitor the use of system resources for display and graphic purpose.
You can tweak the settings from the software menu which are categorized into display, color and performance.
Display profile allow to change the color depth like true color, hi color and 256 color. Here you can tweak the refresh rate and the display resolution of your monitor. All these settings can be saved to a custom profile.
The Color profile will allow you to adjust the gamma, brightness, contrast and temperature. The profiles can also be adjusted as per RGB and CMY color schemes.
The Performance profile is what is useful for gamers which allow users to adjust the system resources.
Download PowerStrip Here
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