25 October, 2012

by Updated on 25 October, 2012 1 comment

How To Use DuckDuckGo Custom Search Widget For Your Blog / Website

DuckDuckGo is getting more and more attention these days any more and more peoples are replacing Google with DuckDuckGo. Them most important thing that's annoying about Google is a privacy and DuckDuckGo is focused on the same thing with many campaigns like DontTrackUs, Don'tBubbleUs and many other videos.

Most of the bloggers and website owners use a Google Custom Search widget to search within the blog or website which then visitors use to search anything specifically within the same domain. There is no any huge reason to replace the Google Custom search widget but to find out, how the results are, you may like to use it and install it.

So here is a straight way to install DuckDuckGo custom search widget to your blog or website:

  •  You can easily customize the look of the widget.
  • Don't forget to enter your website's / blog address in the 'site search' field.
  • After you have customized, copy and paste the code to your blog or website and you are done. 
  • The search results are awesome and will also help DuckDuckGo to index your website more frequently.
Will you try it? After 10 year of DuckDuckGo, see what CEO Gabriel Weinberg what to say.
About The Author
Passionate Technology Blogger. Not a profession. Find only real life useful and simplified Tech articles, How-To's on TopTrix.

1 comment:

  1. I have not tried per url basis. But I think it should work as you can customize the base url. You can give a try.
